Hi if this is not the place please relocate post.
I have been an OCR aficionate for 4 years, right after my 40 birthday, I was training for my first race, I did to much pullps and develop bursitis, the x rays shows a calcification that pinch the bursa on my right shoulder, after two month of a horrible pain that I wasn’t able to sleep even with opioids medications, I finally got the MRI approved, after the MRI, the pain was gone! I tell the doctor it was the MRI, he said it was just coincidence. So I start taking therapy in mornings and doing exercises and running in the afternoons with no problems.
but, afraid of hurting again my right shoulder, I over use my left shoulder in every race. developing pain in my left shoulder after every race.
since the first accident, every other day I search the web looking for answers to treat and prevent shoulder pain. I Have purchase about every massage, therapy thing its advice to be good on the web, call it red light therapy, copper bracelets, percussion massagers, ice pads, heat pads, vibration pads… to car buffers!
about a year ago, I was with a friend and she was speaking a bout a knee pain that was gone after just rest on a mattress on a natural health clinic. she doesn’t know what was the treatment was about, but I got the flash back about my shoulder pain and the MRI, start searching the web about “electromagnetic therapy for tendonitis” boom, and I found Dr. Paulk website that advertise the Micro Pulse A9.
After several month of reading I decide to buy the A9, I didn’t feel nothing. but after an OCR race, I had this little pain that usually its gone in 2 or 3 days with nothing more than ice. With the A9 was gone in just 1 day!
So I start using the A9 in my shoulders every time its hurts a little. But I was positioning the coils one on the front and one in the back. After more months of reading, I found a case of similar pain, and the cause was inflammation on the AC Joint, so I start placing the coils in the AC Joint with better results.
When the pandemic start, there was nothing to do, no jobs, no racing, so I start running all days about 90 miles a month, after 3 or 4 months I develop plantar fasciitis. A9 seems to do nothing, I tried every remedy on the web, nothing, until I found this web page that said don’t stop running or doing exercises after injury, because exercises increase blood flow, increase hormones’ productions, increase repair functions of the body, so after a year with a lot of pain, I start running again, pain level of 10 is gone in a couple of weeks to just level 1. Then I discover that if I run just 3 days a week with rest weeks between run days, pain stays level 1 or 2 just after running and it goes away with the car buffer before sleep.
so its has been a couple of years that with just the A9 on the Ac joint and the car buffer on my plantar fascia, i was able to run and train pain free!
until this past November, I was running the last 2021 race, finished 3rd overall !!!
decide to take a couple of weeks of, to start preparing the house for the holidays. after 2 weeks, joints start hurting…
I decide to start running again to keep the blood flowing, fasciitis pain came back.
Every time I do some body exercises, the next day both of my shoulders hurt if i raise my arms!
since then it is a fight of me trying to start doing exercises again and the pain stopping me!!!
A9 don’t seems to help, and the car buffer on the fascia helps only during night, but after a day of work, pains come back.
Last week, after a lot of reading, I decide to put the coils stack in just the left shoulder (the one hurting most), and the pain was reduced from 8/9 to 4/5
used for a whole day, changing batteries every 4 hrs and alternating location in the AC joint and on the side where the supraspinatus end, pain reduced to 2/3! but if I try to make pullups, pain comes back to 4/5
So I decide to buy the C5, since I think it have more power than the A9 and I can place stack coils on both shoulders at the same time.
are there positive testimonies of athletes back to training after using the A9 or C5?
has anyone got rid of fasciitis pain using the A9 or C5?
what are the best coils setup, locations of the coils on the body, C5 settings that seems to work the most?
Last but not least, my recent shoulder pain (and fasciitis) go worst after the vaccine shots, one on each shoulder. I have friends that are young, good health condition, healthy weight, that also develop shoulder pain after the vaccines!
Could the vaccines debilitate tendons or collagen tissue as other meds like cortisone shots?
There are documented cases of shoulder pain after vaccines supposedly because the persone applying the vaccine dint follow the right procedures. (google SIRVA)
can PEMF help shoulder recovery in such cases?
thanks you all!