since discovering the healing benefits of pemf for joint pain, and especially after discovering ices devices, I’ve been a tangle of wires most nights (5 out of 7 on average) working with at least 2 pairs at 5-7 hours during sleep.
my wife has commented on how “obsessed” i am by my consistent, regular use of pemf and the obvious tangle of coils at night. i am learning as I’m going for different parts of my body. i don’t feel anxious if i miss a night or two and have gone without for a week, but i was just wondering of those in the forum who have found the same benefit and utility of ices tech… how often do you use your devices a week and have you been called obsessed? i know asking other regulars in this forum if I’m obsessed could be as useful as the pot asking the kettle if it’s black, but have you heard comments from others who’ve observed your usage?
I’ve wondered… am i really obsessed? … to gain some clarity, i looked up the word
preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent.
“he was obsessed with the theme of death”
synonyms: preoccupy, be uppermost in someone’s mind, prey on someone’s mind, prey on, possess, haunt, consume, plague, torment, hound, bedevil, take control of, take over, become an obsession with, have a hold on, engross, eat up, have a grip on, grip, dominate, rule, control, beset, monopolize, be fixated, be preoccupied, be infatuated, be possessed, be haunted, be consumed, be plagued, be tormented, be bedeviled, be eaten up, be gripped, be in the grip of, be dominated, be beset, be hung up about/on, have a thing about, have a bee in one’s bonnet, be hipped
this doesn’t take up too much of my time. initially with some learning curve of getting familiar and set up, i may have spent a lot of time, but that’s what i do with anything I’m interested in and getting familiar with. haha… part of me wonders if I’m justifying my behavior and what my wife accuses me of from time to time. but seriously, maybe diligent, consistent, committed to keeping good habit is what i am guilty of. i think this is akin to being diligent in exercise or mindful of being hygienic. i do come to the forum at least 3x a week excited to see what’s new and i do enjoy participating. hmmm
are there many others here who use their device(s) beyond what they initially intended on a daily basis?
i personally think it’s wise to use pemf for different parts of the body on a daily basis. to me it’s just for health practice… like brushing your teeth and showering and exercising daily. obsessed?? I guess there are varying degrees and being called that (yes, recently), i thought to myself… it is a new routine I’ve adopted and i am still learning… just thought I’d write this out to help me think it through some and maybe open up a conversation…
“hi, my name is optimal and I’m a regular user of ices pemf tech”