Flux Health Forum

Naseaus with use of A9 on low setting

I have been trying to stimulate nerve/bone growth around a tarlov cyst (sacral) I notice when I put it on level 3 A9 rest setting, I get nauseated. I am always an outlyer! Any advice as to why this might be happening? Maybe I was not hydrated enough, or I released to many toxins for my overloaded system? IDK. I am really stumped.

Hmmm, sounds like you might be right when you are considering a Herxheimer-type toxin release reaction. You might try a period of very low intensity (as you are doing now) and also for very short periods (just a few minutes).

The optimistic way to view your sensitivity is that PEMF may be very effective for adjusting your system, more so than for most people, but you need to be more careful initially. PEMF may ultimately be very good for you, but too much too soon is the barrier you are facing.

Consider using the strategy of a “binary search”: keep cutting your total use time in half until you no longer get nauseated. You might get down to only one minute or less. This search will be fastest and most efficient if you cut each exposure time by half and then record your response.

Once your search identifies a time of use that you can cheerfully tolerate without getting nauseated, then maybe stay at that for a while, then try slowly building time of use from there, and dialing back when it begins to cause a bad reaction. This way, you can be building tolerance while detoxing or otherwise physiologically adjusting without the initial negative side effects.

Think of this strategy as taking very small “sips” off of whatever the underlying problem is, and getting better each time by a small but positive amount, until you have made a big positive adjustment with many very small steps.