@LWM, correct me if I’m wrong, but the david delight device doesn’t work on electromagnetism, just audiovisual entrainment. am I right?
well, that’s kind of what I’ve been trying to do, by first establishing a baseline by measuring the brainwaves without the M1 on, then turning it on and off. Sadly, there’s only so much that a non-professional with little to no knowledge of the subject, with a cheap consumer EEG band can do.
If I was to take a guess, i would say that the “underwhelming” results so far might have to do with the waveform more than the strength of the M1.
First of all, the one PEMF device that I know of specifically and solely made for brain applications (NeoRhythm) is much weaker than the M1 (25 gauss).
Secondly, if I was to design a brain entrainment device, the first thing i’d try is a trapezoid or a sine wave, not a short duty cycle pulse wave. Think of it this way: if you wanted to “entrain” a wave into a tub of water, would you take a paddle, stick it in the water and give it very quick, sharp, pulses, with plenty of holding still in between, or would you give the paddle slow, but constant, sine-wave like undulating motion? Which one would you think would be more effective in getting the water in the tub to be “entrained” with waves? So, although the ICES waveform might be very effective for various healing applications, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was exactly wrong for brainwave entrainment.
And I have two pieces of evidence to support this: first, the NeoRhythm device that’s specifically designed for effecting brainwaves is a trapezoid waveform, not a pulse wave. Second, the Bemer device, which I own, which I believe makes a sine wave, clearly affects my Muse EEG readings , even though it’s extremely weak (like 1.5 gauss maybe).
Here’s a short run with the bemer:
It’s being turned on at 7.56, runs for two cycles, and is turned off just after 7.59. You can clearly see this reflected in the beta and gamma brainwaves, and you can also tell, that after the 2nd cycle, when I turn it off for good, the beta and gamma brainwaves keep on being a bit higher than during the first three minutes, which is a baseline, which might imply that they have been entrained to a certain degree. The bemer is not designed for brain entrainment though, and it has no ability to choose frequency. And I don’t really feel any different after running the bemer on my head.
Anyway, I’ll keep tinkering with the M1 and the Muse a bit more. Who knows what I might come up on?