after using the a9 daily for about a month, i started to wonder about the wear and tear of the parts used frequently.
physical switch: on/off - what is recommended for turning the device on and off? do i just let it run if I’m going to come back to it for use in an hour? should i just unplug it when i decide to turn it off? the concern is keeping wear and tear on physical parts to a minimum, but then if i let it run when when i step away or if i turn it off and on just by [un]plugging it - how will that wear on the electronic components?
physical switch: power level - this i can’t avoid unless i have a schedule when to switch to 2x2 or splitter for coils and for brain use… i don’t see any way around that other than following a measurable schedule for L vs X etc
coils - it seems like the best way to preserve these based on another thread in the forum is to not bend the coil or tweak the wires… and also keep away from oils and lotions. maybe wrap in plastic (Saranwrap or baggie if there is need for contact with oil or lotion). other than that, sounds like they can be used indefinitely -which is good to know!
other than just common sense care of the product, it seems pretty straightforward!
@Bob thoughts? thanks!