I’ve danced around the topic, talking about impaired mitochondria etc.
But the fact is, I have ME/CFS.
I’m much better than I was after discovering Raelan Agle and Toby Morrison on Youtube. I don’t follow a program. I use my money on this site instead. But just knowing that info helps me. It’s worth mentioning if it helps others.
Anyway, I wanted to talk about the good and the bad concerning ME/CFS and PEMF.
When I first got the M1, I had already used red light therapy for a long time, and I had never run up against any limits there.
Many do run up against limits. They need to be very careful about how much skin they expose, how long and how often. And although the severe is likely to have more of an issue, in the moderate and mild category, it’s not a 1 to 1 about who will need limits and who won’t.
So when I got the M1, I also picked up the flu on that trip out, during the worst of Covid. I never get a fever (fairly typical when having ME/CFS - either low grade fever almost all the time or never), but did then. I got it again during Covid a few months later.
I used the M1 on a bit higher intensity and longer than I’ve done later. I ended up with training soreness in my throat and chest. That’s rather dangerous, as with ME/CFS it goes from mild «sour» muscles (lactacte) or heavy body all over, to what I term training soreness, to actual paralysis when the mitochondria are all out of ATP (the energy molecule in the body) and unable to produce enough on demand as you go.
So PEMF is actually dangerous.
But it’s also fantastic if done right, just like red light therapy.
Bob’s company recommended I start with an A9. For ME/CFS that’s actually the wrong device. The M1 goes much further down in intensity. And the time you use is quite important, not just the intensity. So it’s important to have not only the possibility of using lower intensity but also having more latitude timewise before soreness sets in if you forget to take it off right away.
I found out that with intensity 1 and two hours I was safe (that doesn’t mean YOU will have the same limits). The cutoff for me was somewhere +/- 3 hours at that time. Later I realized I couldn’t get enough sites on the body that way, so I switched to intensity 2 and 1 hour per site.
I also found out early on that for me, red light and PEMF on the same site at the same time results in my mitochondria not cooperating for at least one week, maybe two. That was a hard lesson to learn. I’m no longer used to getting more and more stiff and more and more pain. I do not do red light and PEMF at the same time, but it seems I don’t have to wait a long time between sessions.
I’ve done 5 hours total per day a lot lately. Sometimes even more. And I’m butting up against a limit on how much time I have. So much so I have been thinking about trying the C5. And then one coil broke, and my spares got lost in the move. So I need at least one more coil. And I have a family member who needs the M1…
And then @lulu7 mentioned using the C5 with the mat and no complaints about soreness. And I realized I CAN use just one channel if my body can’t handle more. So if I buy that, I’m out money compared to the price of an extra M1, but not function.
I have a computer background, I do troubleshooting and A B testing and have excellent body consciousness, so I’m hoping we can exchange experiences and maybe learn more about using PEMF with ME/CFS.
I also have dry mouth that I know is due to inflammation. I found red light gives saliva then and there. So I had an excellent test case for PEMF. I’ve found that when I use PEMF pretty much every day as much as I have lately, I get more saliva when the machine is on, even when it’s far away from the mouth.
I have used the M1 under my left ear, because there’s a lot of talk about vagus nerve stimulation. I figure that has to be better than the other devices I don’t really understand. I don’t know if it’s doing anything specific, but it’s a good location for saliva.
I have found that stacked coils might go deep, but not that wide. I need to repeat the experiment with a coil that isn’t close to failing, but it seems I might not get all the lactate out unless I place them almost all over in the neck/shoulder area (computer neck). And that might be why I’ve felt red light was better until very recently. I use belts, and the bulbs are on an area. They will hit pretty much the entire area treated, so no cold spots. But I think red light and PEMF are actually doing some of the same stuff when it comes to mitochondria.
I just ordered the C5 with both the big 4 coils and the regular ones. Some places, such as my cranky hips (bursitis?) I need it to go deep, and on my shoulders on days I might not get around to red light, I need shallow area coverage.
So, anyone else with ME/CFS or Fibromyalgia or other autoimmune illnesses with fatigue or other types of fatigue where compromised mitochondria might be an issue? What are your experiences and questions?