Flux Health Forum

Macula Edema

I had macula edema due to an eye surgery. After one year and no improvement, I started using Micro Pulse. I kept it on my affected eye at night while I slept. Each month that I went back to my eye doctor after starting micro pulse, my edema was considerably less until it was completely gone. To experiment, I stopped using micro pulse and my edema came back. I then started using micro pulse again, and to my and my doctor’s amazement, the edema completely went away again. I think I need to stay with it for a while before stopping so the edema doesn’t come back. If anyone has macula edema, I would definitely try micro pulse. Consistency and time is the key. Use the low to medium setting.


Thanks so much for taking the time to post your experience. That is truly wonderful news. IMO, your plan to continue use it a little longer is smart - per many other threads including some where I posted my own experiences - continuing to use the Micropulse ICES PEMF devices for a portion of time after things resolve seems to be key in retaining the progress. Flagging @Bob as I don’t recall macula edema being discussed much on this forum.

Yes, you are correct that we have not discussed macula edema very much on this forum, but I have discussed it extensively with several clinicians, including Bill Pawluk, as well as several potential research collaborators to potentially work on this as an area of research. So far, the few anecdotal reports that I have heard are very promising.

Hi lmwinst,

I would like to ask you for any update on the Macular Edema as one of my clients is considering using the device for the same condition after trying for 5 years with steroid injections without any hope!

My macula edema is gone. I wear it nightly for most, if not all, of the night while sleeping. I use an eye mask to keep it in place. Even though my edema is gone, I am continuing to use it and plan to for a couple years so the edema doesn’t come back.

It took about 3 months after starting the device before my doctor started to see the edema lessening. I went to my doctor monthly and each month it continued to go down until there was no more edema. I then stopped using the device and the edema partially came back, so I decided to continue using it for a longer period of time. I think if I use it for another year, the edema may not come back after stopping the device.


That is wonderful to hear. Thank you for sharing. What protocol and intensity are you using?

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Would you say 1 hour every day is a good time or is it all night while you are a lseep?

I do not know about doing it for just one hour, as I have only done it the entire night. You can always start with one hour per day, but if you do not see results, I would switch to all night.

I was using the high intensity, but after a couple years, I switched to the low intensity. The high intensity definitely worked for me, but after a couple years, the device started making some glitchy noises. I called the company and they said if I am using it all night, use the low setting.

That is really spectacular, thanks!

The interesting thing is, often when people use lower power the long-term outcome is better. I personally find this to be true for really chronic injuries, such as my lower back. Some people have reported to me (but not on this forum) that they get the best results for chronic issues involving the head and eyes using lower power levels if they use the device every day for many months or years. And recently we had some excellent feedback related to TMJ pain reduction when using very low power.

I would be very interested to hear your observations of high versus low power for keeping control of your macular edema once you have used low power for long enough to see a clear trend.


Hi Bob: Just wanted to give you an update. I switched to the low setting, per your recommendation, and it has worked great. I went to my retina doctor yesterday and I still have no macula edema. The doctor is pretty amazed by the results. I will continue using it nightly for another year, just to be on the safe side, and then I think I can stop using it.


That is really excellent, thanks. I am very happy that this worked for you!

I think using a low setting for most people for eye issues is much more effective, based on my own experience. Thanks for the feedback!

@lmwinst: Can you tell us which exact setting you use for your eyes? Programm and intensity? My wife would be very happe to know!

I use the lowest setting and sleep with it on my eye with an eye mask to keep it in place.
I use the two coils together for more intensity.

Q: Do you mean power level “1” with this and a stacked coil configuration with “I use the two coils together”?

Yes, I use the lowest setting, level 1, and I put the two coils on top of each other. I think one side of the coil is bumpy and I was told to put the two bumpy sides together. Hope this makes sense. You don’t have to put the coils together, I just opted to do that.

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