Initially, my chronic pain was diagnosed as due to extensive nerve damage and wearing two m1s around the hip area helped alleviate the pain there — along the vertebrae and the other on the right hip. But then the pain started to move to other parts of the body and with extensive tests, the neurologist admitted he couldn’t find any nerve damage — did the nerve damage of twenty years ago eventually heal or have I been misdiagnosed all these years? I’m suspecting the latter, as over the years, the pain has gotten progressively worse.
In any case, the last few months saw painful flare ups on various parts of the body that are of varying intensity (between 6-9) and unpredictable in terms of when and where they might occur. A rheumatologist is still having me go through more testing and referring me to a pain clinic suggesting injections could reduce my pain, but I’m reluctant to turn to drugs that are just bandaid solutions when they still aren’t sure what the problem is.
Then I turned back to YSD which has already rescued me twice before. First time was 10 years ago helping me address pain points for my symptomatic “nerve damage” and the second time for my heart attack. Each time they helped me to either treat the pain or heart attack long term without drugs or surgery.
YSD is the acronym for Chinese yuanshidian, translated as origin point therapy or origin point medicine. It’s an alternative health modality developed by a Taiwanese TCM herbalist who tried unsuccessfully to treat his wife in 4th stage breast cancer, but later founded a nonprofit organization run by volunteers in several countries offering free treatment and diy workshops.
Principles governing YSD: “Yuan Shi Dian targets the cause of all diseases and illness as due to Heat Energy Deficiency and Ti Shang (impairment of body systems).” I’m not the one to explain its principles but what they believe is the yin/yang theory of TCM, that when the body becomes too yin or TCM cooling, then all kinds of pain or illness occurs. Regardless of the disease, when you reintroduce heat to the body, you improve circulation and healing naturally occurs. Therefore, treatment involves dietary changes of TCM warming foods, consuming super concentrated “ginger soup,” physical exercise to promote circulation, heat therapy, ginger paste body rubs, and antui, a type of deep massage of specific pain points.
The treatment has been very effective — not only did targeting the antui stop my pain but when I was suffering a major full blown heart attack, a few minutes of antui on my back stopped the heart attack so that even the protein marker troponin count of 8-10 signaling a major heart attack wasn’t present; at its highest my troponin count was 0.04 ng/mL which was within the normal range (between 0-0.04). And when I told the cardiologist it was all due to YSD, of course, he was disbelieving, yet totally baffled since the angiogram suggested a heart attack did indeed occur.
I’ve since personally witnessed YSD effectively treat people with 4th stage cancer, hypertension, diabetes, tumours, tinnitus, eczema, gallstones, migraines, even the common cold, and various types of pain.
YSD does not claim they cure anything but instead, creates an optimal environment for healing and rapid recovery. It’s non pharmaceutical, non invasive, relatively easy to learn, and produces fast results.
I don’t think it’s a catch-all for every kind of disease, but it does produce amazing results for many. I’ve used YSD to help my brother’s chronic hypertension which he no longer takes drugs for, and I’ve also applied antui on a colleague’s migraine which she told me she used to get at least once a week and which completely disappeared for over a month, then only started to gradually return because she was not addressing YSD prescribed heat therapy and dietary changes.
I’m wondering in your case if the headaches couldn’t be addressed more effectively with YSD in addition to PEMF. Look up yuanshidian or origin point therapy online if you want more information. While most of the information is in Chinese, there is some in English too, and I know there are several YSD centers in the US that offers free treatment and diy workshops.
Here’s the catch: YSD will not treat or offer instruction unless you sign an agreement not to take drugs or otherwise use western medication or resort to other invasive procedures such as acupuncture or surgery. That’s pretty hard for people with cancer to reject conventional treatment of chemo and radiation and throw complete trust on the lesser known modality YSD. That’s what a friend of a friend had to do when his wife had breast cancer and it spread to her bones before they resorted to YSD.
But in your case these headaches are not potentially fatal, drugs don’t necessarily help you, and you can still use PEMF even alongside YSD. The likelihood is the first antui will stop the pain, and several weeks of YSD will get rid of it altogether.