Flux Health Forum

Is there a trade in policy

Just curious if there is a trade in policy. I purchased one of the m1 and think I want to upgrade to a c5

If have both and would not give up one of them. My wife has now her own M1. The M1 is the one you always can carry concealed / the whole day. The C5 ist more for home and stationary use. Its harder to hide. For most applications the M1 is much enough, the C5 gets taken out of the cabinet for larger areas or the bed at night,


I think the c5 would potentially work better for me as I’m putting it on my entire head and the m1 area of Focus just doesn’t seem large enough and I find myself moving the pads all day long. I wear this for 8 hours a day under a beanie so I don’t really wear it any place other than when driving or at home either way. But the m1 the only complaints I have is I wish it had about 8 or so pads

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Interesting idea to shortcut searching for the “right” spot at the head. Maybe my wife could do a hat, where the 8 coils are woven in. I like to experiment with the ICES and barin / neurological effects myself in the future.

Nevertheless, there are enough M1 applications that I will not want to miss :wink:

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You should email their customer service. They are very responsive.


If you still have your M1 I would be interested in buying it from you. I need one to take on my work travels.


So sorry but I just sent it back today for the trade in

No problem I ordered a P9 last week.