Flux Health Forum

Is anyone selling their ICES M1?

contact mzd@micro-pulse.com

A very nice suggestion but I don’t think people would be willing to do that, but I guess you never know…

I think I’m done using my M-1 if anyone is interested.

Hi Jason,

Thanks for letting me know. Just a few quick questions…

Are you Europe or US based? What condition is it in along with the coils? How much do you want for it? Thanks

USA and one pair of coils is brand new and one is not. You can find it on eBay

what did you find it ineffective in helping if you don’t mind sharing?

It works amazing, I just tried it on my eyes a few times and made them hurt for a bit so I need to sell so I dont try it again. The device works magic.

yes, I’ve been using on my eyes too… just started experimenting more regularly on eyes…8 was too high and had a pressure headache… 5 was still too high, but better and trying 4 but my battery stopped… will find out tonight…i can say my left eye is definitely better! vision used to be really blurry before.

pretty excited about more improvement going forward!

I’ve used mine on my eyes after new type of pain after covid. That pain is gone, but my mitochondria are a bit dysfunctional, and I think I needed to use red light afterwards. So I don’t use M1 directly on my eyes unless I really need to. Red light can be used anywhere on my body and my eyes claim the ATP produced, it seems.