Flux Health Forum

Improve vision with ICES

Bob, are you suggesting it may be harmful to the eyes to attach coils to metal wire rim glasses?

no, I don’t think so .

Hmmm…well if you’re not positive then I should probably get some plastic lensless frames. This would be to treat my wife’s persistent eye shingles symptoms (light sensitivity, severe eye strain, etc.).

Plastic should not cause any problems. Metal rims (depends on a lot of technical details), may also be OK, but I am less sure about that. Fortunately, generic plastic frames are very inexpensive.

Thanks, will do, can’t mess around. Will start on low on A9 for 1 minute.

weird but i can’t find any lensless plastic frames on Amazon, other than toy glasses

Try not searching “Lensless”, just buy the cheapest readers/costume/whatever plastic glasses that look like the size/shape you want, and pop the lenses out with your thumb.


That worked! In fact because the frames are large-ish, the A9 coils actually friction-fit right into the lens frame without needing tape. Of course having them sit on the face-side of the frames would put them closer to the eyes but perhaps that 1/4" difference doesn’t matter since you said elsewhere the waves prob penetrate to the back of the eye anyway. I know you can’t make a formal prediction, but starting on Low for 3 minutes/day, there’s little risk of eye irritation, correct? Again, she has persistent eye pain/photo-sensitivity from a bout with eye shingles 1 year ago. She also has Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (a neuro illness) but it’s being held in remission by Low Dose Naltrexone.

Anyone else have updates using the coil-glasses on their eye issues?

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yes, definitely start low and slow and pay attention to how she responds.

Hi, sorry for the long overdue reply. I’ve been busy with other things to say the least. I’m going to start checking here more often now. As for the reason, there’s none. It just happened that’s how I put it together for showing it to yall. I’d install it on the other side if I do end up using it again for that purpose.

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