Flux Health Forum

ICES for constipation?

I’d like to write a post for PEMFbio on the Vagus nerve and PEMF. There’s a company that will remain nameless that markets their PEMF device for Vagus nerve stimulation related stress relief. What about the branch of the Vagus that controls gastrointestinal motility? Has anyone tried this? I know of an MD that might be interested for his constipated patients.

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I have experimented with ICES PEMF on the vagus nerve on the neck as well on the gut. I can shift the gut more by placing it directly on the gut. I have also made the tVNS setup using a TENS unit as was recommended on this forum. Out of all my trials, placing ICES PEMF over the gut (starting slowly like a few minutes per day and working up) yields effective outcomes. Please note that there is a goldilocks amount of ICES PEMF on the gut if you have any form gut dysbiosis (which most people have). So going slow and working up slowly is key in my experience.


This is exactly what we are interested in. Is your gut level feeling that ICES PEMF helping normal get through or creating new currents? The myelin is not so much an insulator as taught in biology classes but mathematically a capacitor in electrical circuit terms. Capacitors have dielectric materials between the plates. I’m waiting a response to an expert as to whether myelin basic protein has what it takes to be a dielectric. If my hypothesis is correct this changes things from Faraday’s Induction to perhaps reconfiguration of the myelin capacitors.
Since you mentioned dysbiosis, this adds a whole new part of the enteric nervous system from myelinated fibers to smaller fibers that respond to bad bacteria and their metabolic products. Thanks for your input. My MD colleague is getting interested in these concepts.


In my experience, ICES PEMF can a) stimulate perilstasis b) bowels to move c) even cause a bowel “flush or rapid dumping” if there is dysbiotic pathogens and you leave it on the gut for too long. The latter is accompanied in our case by traditional herxheimer symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, etc. IMO a sign of a healthy gut is the ability to put ICES PEMF on it for multiple hours and not have it cause a herxheimer or “flush”.

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good to know…i have personally found when I’m bloated or have a slight stomach upset, using pemf on my gut definitely has helped relieve the discomfort. typically the results are the pain or dis-ease greatly reduces within 15 mins followed by gas (relief!) haha

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