Flux Health Forum

Helping a dog with stage 3 kidney disease?

Hello all,

I found the ICES device on a fluke. I stumbled across the study on the cat (thank so much Bob and John for doing this!!) when researching if PEMF could help my dog (I brought him to an alternative vet and she was very kind and considerate and let me bring home a bemer mat to use with him; as I have a chronic illness myself).

Anyway I bought an M1 and overnighted it. He’s in stage 3 kidney failure which only gives him 110 - 200 days; but it seems like from the study and the other posts I’ve read on this forum that it can take a few months to see results?

What should I do to expedite him getting help? I just found PEMF wrap so I’m thinking I should wrap him in night so he can sleep in it and hopefully during the day but this might be difficult as he’s just a small boy (16lbs) and oddly shaped (an Italian greyhound).

Has anyone had success using the device when a dog or cat is this far along with kidney disease? Thank you.

Does your iggy have a jumper/light sweater that you could sew the M1 coils onto? and maybe sew on a little pocket for the unit itself?

That sounds like a really good idea, thank you! He has mostly tshirts but I’m hoping I can find him a jumper in his clothes somewhere (that still fits him) and get a tailor to sew some pockets onto his clothing. Thank you so so much!!

I forgot to add in my original post that we’ve also switched him to vegan. We found a book on kidney disease for humans that said the best diet was a vegan diet and then we stumbled across a vegan dog book where the author has had some success treating dogs that have my dogs condition.

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I have seen many studies showing high amounts of niacinamide and thiamine can help stall progression of kidney disease.

Thank you so much!! I’ll look into this asap!!

FWIW, we did the same for our dog with gallbladder and liver disease and he lived 2 years extra in our opinion and passed at 14.5yrs. ICES PEMF was a blessing. Rooting for your pup!!!