Flux Health Forum

Hardware pain

I have tried the device with 2 patients who had ORIF. One had ribs plated, the other had comminuted thumb fracture.

The patient with the thumb fracture was using the M1 and still had intolerable pain on the lowest setting. The rib fracture was using the A9, also on the lowest setting, and had similar pain issues.

Is this a flux/hardware interaction issue? Do you have any other recommendations for troubleshooting?

How long did they use the M1 (and what protocol) and A9 and in what coil configuration before determining the intolerable pain was not improved?

B5-c5 with rest.
Level 5, for 2 hours, too much pain.
Decreased to level 3, no pain but significant swelling and pain.
Synthes plate, VA hand 1.5mm, 6 screws.

Patient is now using with 1 electrode thumb and 1 on wrist. No pain but still has swelling.

Does your note mean increased swelling upon using B5-C5 protocol or just continued swelling that has not yet subsided?

Also you shared “decreased to level 3, no pain but significant swelling and pain”. Can clarify since you shared no pain but signficant pain?

This may be a flux/intensity issue. An easy thing to try would be to place a pillow or folded blanket between the coils and the area to be stimulated. That will really cut the peak flux down. As tolerance builds (it should over a week or two), just reduce the thickness of the pad (folded blankets are convenient for this).