Flux Health Forum

Experiments with various Wave Form applications?

Wondering if there is any additional info or conclusions regarding the other wavelength forms and program applications available on the C-5. I have been using Omni-8 for a number of years just because it seems to have more positive outcomes according to Bob, & the users of this forum. Has there been any additional updates of alternative setting known to have very positive outcomes for specific issues since 2018? I read that some folks like the Alpha wave, but I don’t know if it is best for certain conditions. I saw that Bob used it for dental with a positive outcome.

Besides Omni 8, what is your favorite waveform and why?

My opinion: This is really the best way to find out what works best for different uses. Gather a lot of opinions and observations from intelligent, genuine people with direct personal experience.

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For most musculoskeletal issues, or wounds I use Omni 8, the intensity varying depending on location on the body, or length of time I expect. Omni 8 also works great on the head for migraines. Dental pain. But I often choose 10pps, or C5, Schumann 4 or 5 for my knee. Also the brain entrainment stuff works great for me for going to sleep & waking up. Gamma really gets me wired in the mornings.

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