Just wanted to say that the MP is pretty good at eliminating DOMS.
I was trying out a simple HIIT squat workout. The goal was to get to 8 sets of 10s on/20s rest, 4:00 total of AMRAP squats (As Many Reps As Possible).
In times past, I would do the workout once and literally my quads would be frozen in DOMS on day 2 for 1-2 days. In fact, even after starting out less sets, I would still get DOMS. This would happen consistently, which meant that it would be a good experiment with the MP.
To begin, I used two MPs, side-side configuration right on the top of each quad and turned the power to H. I’d use it all day after the workout, and all night. I’d evaluate soreness the morning after.
I started slow. I did 4 sets to 2:00, and then slapped on the coils. In fact, I was able to go consecutive days, increasing by one more set each day and by slapping on the coils, I would experience some tiredness but no DOMS at all. Around day 3 or so, DOMS did creep in a little and I took a day off, but still using the coils. I then kept going until I hit the 8 sets, and never felt DOMS at all. To really test this, I then did 8 sets and didn’t use the coils. Miraculously I did not have DOMS after, even without coil treatment!
In addition to the MP eliminating DOMS, I had also adapted to the activity enough to not experience DOMS.
Pretty cool stuff.