Flux Health Forum

Doberman with Benign prostatic hyperplasia/BPH

I have a 10YO Doberman that has been diagnosed with Benign prostatic hyperplasia. The vet and I have put him on Finasteride and other supplements but he has not seen as much improvement as we had hoped. This led to my journey of discovery with PEMF.

I found some very promising studies from https://www.parsemus.org/pethealth/enlarged-prostate-dogs/
Which showed excellent results. I just ordered my A9 and I am excitedly awaiting it’s arrival.

I was wondering if anyone had had any experience with this on their dog who could give some advice. Also if there is a PEMF wizard who could tell if the protocol should be the same with the A9 as with the PEMF device used in the aforementioned study.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

See my posts on prostate for my father and father-in-law with benign hyperplasia. It has really helped them. I imagine it would do the same for your dog if you can keep the coils in place 8+ hours a day or more.

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I haven’t used it for your issue but we are new to the PEMF as well. It was suggested by our 5 yr old labs chiropractor. She had c5-c7 compression/ degenerative disc disease. She couldn’t even walk a half block. After 20 treatments on Omni 8 - rest for 1-1.5 hrs a day we noticed a significant improvement in her ability to walk. It’s been 2 months and she’s swimming, walking over a mile and is no longer lame. I hope you all the best with your pup as we are very grateful for the results we’ve seen with ours.


Thank you to TajD and Chimmy00 for your input I appreciate it.

I went ahead and started treatment with the A9. I did 2x 30min sessions a day with the device set to X for 4 weeks.

I just got back from the vet. The ultrasound showed that the the Prostate had gone from 6cm a side (12cm total) 4 weeks ago to under 3cm a side (5.8cm total) today, which is perfectly in the normal range for a dog this size. This was a reduction of over 50% which is in line with the study I linked to above.

I just wanted to put that out there in case anyone else encountered a similar issue and was wondering if it was worth it. (It definitely was for me!)

I also wanted to note that they also did studies in humans with positive results as well.

So happy to hear you also saw great results. For our Lab we still use it 2x a week for maintenance to keep inflammation down, especially since she’s extremely active again.