I’m curious to see if any of you has had success with brain gauge for improving your cognitive performance.
We are about to start training for reaction time here which should have an impact on competitive sports. In the mean time, 1070nm photobiomodulation (30min daily to increase neuroplasticity) with eight sessions of weekly swLoretta neurofeedback has drastically improved Brain Gauge scores.
Have you tried the “brain training” software addon/upgrade to the Brain Gauge? I was looking to see if Bob had any recent Youtube apperances and found this from 3 yrs ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT4WsuebfTk
No not yet. We will start the “brain training” feature particularly focused on reaction time this month. We want to get reaction time down from 230ms to 175ms or below as it will aid sports performance.
Cool, I think I’ve watched enough and I’m going to get one for myself. I saw this recently
and I’ve been doing two days on the gamma setting when I’m on my desk. I use it with the bumps on the coils face to face and place it near the top of my head at the back. I’ve been tyring this based on the discussions here.
I’ve hardly used my TACS device since getting the M1.
I feel like I’m relying too much on coffee and want to reduce my caffeine consumption to two cups a day at a maximum.
I probably should’ve posted this on the Brain Gauge section. Mods, please move it there if possible.