Flux Health Forum

DIY Coils for PEMF

I know this is an old reply but FYI I had been on 2,500 IU D3/K2 for years when I had the plantar and it did nothing. The A9 cured it and nothing else.

That’s great! Was his MRI taken before or after he started with the A9?

Ironically, I have to start using the A9 for my left shoulder as it’s started really hurting. I had rot cuff surgery on both shoulders 11 and 6 years ago but the left never healed well. I started using 2 stacked coils on max but wasn’t sure it was hitting all the areas of pain so I’m using a quad coil now. Only issue is the quad coil seems to have a dead spot in the center between all the coils (according to the sensor) but I guess that’s a limitation in the design. It’s hard to keep it in place so I just ordered a spandex/velcro shoulder brace from Amazon and will try inserting it underneath or in the ice pack pocket (without the ice pack). I’m also lasering it (altho I don’t think the laser did much for my plantar). We’ll see what happens…

dead spots aren’t quite what they seem: the spaces between acupuncture needles are not considered “dead spots” just because a needle is not at exactly that point.

Yes, a lot of people find that nutrients and supplements only work optimally when inflammation is also under control (as with an A9, for example). Many NDs have remarked to me that their dietary adjustments seem to work much better when also using PEMF.

Having a good diet never hurts…like a pack of Camels, twinkies and a coke :face_vomiting:

So is there effective PEMF being produced at the center of the quad coil in the middle of the solid plastic area?

Based on testing, it seems to be a somewhat larger area effect, not just directly under the coils.

based on testing, coils with that configuration and spacing have measurable, significant biological effects.

Thanks! I was worried about that.

I have been using the A9 from morning til night on max for 3 days now on my rotator cuff and I think I’m seeing improvement. We’ll see. Question (tho the answer’s prob no): I’m using a shoulder brace to hold the A9, and the battery pack is against my chest. The battery pack/unit itself (not the coils) emits no radiation that could be harmful to my heart, correct?

Generally speaking, battery packs are very clean sources of power. This is not always true (it gets very technical), but you don’t really hear about battery sources as emitters of EMI.

Thanks. The actual device with the flashing light tho produces no emf, correct?

when you say “device”, do you mean a battery pack?

No need to answer that because that specific clarification will not change the answer:

There is no way to know. Every product is different, and they change from batch-to-batch (consider LED light bulbs, where detailed EMI testing reveals that the exact same type of bulbs vary wildly in their EMI emission, depending on exactly when they were manufactured). You would need to test each product in question. That costs about $23,000 last time I paid for it in 2007.

But the real problem is that they would test to federal standards, which would tell you that the device itself meets federal standards, and we all know that federal standards allow a lot of devices that emit hazardous EMI. So this is an easy question to ask but impossible question to answer unless you hire a lab that is willing to develop and run a special test.

You will notice that no one offers the service of testing individual consumer electronics for all forms of potential EMI. That’s because the cost of testing would be 10s of thousands of dollars per device, and typical consumer is not interested in spending $10,000 - $20,000 to know whether or not their toaster or cell phone is really safe, beyond federal standards.

To simplify, I just mean that virtually all the PEMF is coming from the coils and virtually none from the battery pack with the flashing light where I assume all the electronics are and the pulses are generated, correct?

I think you mean the ICES-PEMF Pulse generator, not the battery pack. It is the device you plug the coils into.

The good news is that, unlike most other products, I have tested extensively to assure that Micro-Pulse ICES-PEMF devices do not emit detectable levels of harmful EMI.

I demonstrate this in a video:

The information you want starts at time 13:20

Ok, great, NOW we’re on the same page! I just figured since I snap the battery into the A9 that the battery pack and pulse generator were one and the same and we were talking about the same thing…

Hi could you please tell me the specific details of the coils for the A9a ? I investigated and found they have 0.3mm wire 0.8-1 ohm’s and around 43 turns at 37/42 mm diameter is there any other important details for them kind regards

that’s correct.

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Hi Eddy, curious - you a EE?

hi, are you referring to an Electrical Engineer ? not quite, i am actually in he Biotechnology / (Clinical psychology) field of sciences