Flux Health Forum

Difference between PPS and Khz

What is the difference between pps and kHz as it pertains to the programs on the M1, C5, etc

Unless you are an electrical engineer or physicist, you can view them as essentially the same.

But, as a scientist and engineer who is fighting the battle to bring accuracy and truth into the world of PEMF, I have the responsibility to speak and write with precision. So…

pps = pulses per second: it specifies how frequently a device sends a pulse.

frequency is defined as the first time derivative of phase. Any periodic pulse other than a pure sine wave will contain many frequencies. [insert a lot of calculus here]

jumping to the bottom line: regular people can say frequency (Hz) is the same thing as pps.

As a scientist, I need to adhere to the detailed and precise definitions. I do not have the liberty of sloppiness, or the PEMF skeptics will attack this technology because of the lack of scientific rigor.