Flux Health Forum

Can static magnets be used to enhance PEMF penetration?

I remember reading in a comment by Dr. Dennis, on his YouTube channel, that a small magnet could be placed inside the coil to allow the magnetic wave to penetrate deeper.

Could @Bob please elaborate if this would be equivalent to stacking several coils on top of each other, or if it would be more akin to “spreading the magnetic wave thinner” – i.e. it goes deeper but with much less power.

What leads to another question: what if we stacked the coils and placed the magnet inside?

Also, could it theoretically distort the magnetic waves in some way – maybe even affecting their biological activity?

As I referred to in another thread, when my wife used a single coil on each foot she felt not benefit – even after more than a week.

What if we use such a magnet inside each coil?

Would each coil become as powerful as the two coils together? Or does magnetism works in an entirely different way than what I’m imagining?

Static magnets only add a steady magnetic field to the pulses. The waves from the PEMF ride on top of the steady constant magnetic field. This is called “superposition”.

I have measured and verified this, and it works by simple addition.

NOTE: the pulses stay the same, only an unchanging constant field is added.

Does this have any biological effect: I do not know. People would have to try it to see and report their result on this forum.

You can do this if you want to, but I have absolutely no Idea if it will change anything. Theoretically, I would guess “NO”, but I have been wrong in the past.

I have tried it on myself and detected absolutely no difference.

NOTE: be careful with if you are using strong magnets such as neodymium magnets. They can wipe credit cards, etc.

@Bob Would be interested in your take on this supposedly advanced form of static magnets. They call it a quadrapolar medical device.

I had studied the effects of static magnets on cells in culture, extensively about 20 years ago. Unlike the results at NASA using magnetic pulses on cells in culture, which had very clear and repeatable effects, I was never able to detect any effect of static magnets in any configuration. One of my students tried to do his dissertation on this topic, but we were never able to show any biological effects of static magnets.

Based on my hypotheses on the biological action of magnetic pulses, I would not expect any effect from stationary static magnets. There is some evidence* that a strong static magnetic field may cause blood RBC Rouleaux** (stacking) if the magnetic field is maintained steadily for about 5 minutes.

Bottom line: I do not have any evidence or theoretical reason to believe that static magnets have the benefits generally claimed, but keep in mind that I have been wrong about the effects of PEMF, so I might very well be wrong about static magnets too.

If you do decide to experiment with this, you need not spend a lot of money on it, all they use is rare-earth element magnets, nothing special, which can be purchased from KJ Magnetics for less than one dollar each:


Don’t believe any nonsense about their “special” magnets. That part is just typical marketing fraud. The magnets simply need to be arranged in their mystical “Quadrapole” configuration, which, looking at an array of 4 magnets, placed 2 x 2, would look like this:

N - S
S - N


.* - Tao, R., Huang, K. (2011) Reducing blood viscosity with magnetic fields. Phys. Rev. E 84:011905

.** - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rouleaux

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Hi Bob, I saw this post and it got me curious so I tried it. I have a bunch of fairly strong magnets from old hard disks lying around. The clicking sounds is a lot louder with the magnet. Am I going to damage the coils or wear them out? Cheers.

The increased clicking sound is probably just due to the effect of magnetic flux lines transiently passing through the sheet/plate of magnetic material. You would probably get the same increase if, for example, you put the ICES-PEMF coils near a sheet of steel (not stainless steel, just plain carbon or carbon alloy steel). The louder clicks do not mean that the ICES-PEMF pulse is somehow stronger. What it actually means is that more of the magnetic energy of each pulse is dissipated within the metal sheet. Thus, at the tissue level, you actually get a weaker pulse, as the metal makes more noise dissipating some of the magnetic energy.

Overall biological effect: my opinion- it just reduces the effective pulse intensity to the tissue. To the extent that it interacts with the DC (solid) magnetic field from the magnets, it will add (superimpose) magnetic fields with the solid magnets (except the fields lost to energy dissipation as above), and since tissues seem to be influenced by changing magnetic fields, and not so much by fixed magnetic fields, overall I would say in most cases the biological effect is likely to be reduced by adding a powerful solid magnet.

I could be wrong, but that is what the data I have collected strongly suggests.


I was discussing this thread with a friend of mine who builds do it yourself PEMF devices that combine coils and static magnets. I thought I’d add something he sent me to the conversation. Apparently, the FDA has approved static magnets for a number of different conditions.