Flux Health Forum

C5 sporadic no coil reading

Owned my c5 for 48 hours. Since then I’ve had no coil readings on port 1 happen 4 times already. First 2 times it happened I would check then reconnect coils. It would still read no coils. I would hit the blue button again and it would read OK.

3rd 4th time i got the no coil reading I just pressed the blue button and refreshed twice without touching the wires and got the OK message.

Is this common? Should I be worried? It’s always the same port.

first time it happened i thought i had an issue w my coil.

Coils for C5 require careful insertion into each of the 4 ports and making sure they are pushed firmly in. In my experience, it is easy to accidentally not have them plugged in correctly or all the way.

Got it. thanks TajD for answering alot of my questions

Anytime! ICES PEMF is amazing in my opinion and happy to see others experience the benefits of it as well.

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