Flux Health Forum

Brain tumor removed damage to nerve 7

My wife had a large brain tumor removed 6 weeks ago and nerve 7 was damaged. Our neurosurgeon said the damage was classified as neuropraxi. The nerve could regenerate so we are looking for ways to help it heal and grow. The left side of her face has paralysis she can’t close her eye, face muscles do not work and left side of mouth does not work correctly requiring her to drink with a straw. Most of the tumor was removed with only a little remaining due to poor site lines to remove it all. Blood was cut off to the very small remaining tumor so we are hoping it dies naturally. Has anyone used your devise successfully to help a facial nerve regenerate?

Yes, a few people have tried it with good success. Try low to medium power, coils stacked over the injury site, setting = Omni-8

Your PEMF devise increases blood flow, should we be concerned about the small left over pieces of tumor they could not remove? The neurosurgeon said they removed the blood supply and expect it to die off on its own. We would not want to do anything to help it survive while trying to help fix cranial nerve 7.

I honestly do not know, but if improved blood supply is a concern, then I would definitely be very cautious about using any form of PEMF, or any form of blood flow enhancer.