Flux Health Forum

Blood Brain Barrier Repair?

Based on your experience with ICES, would I be able to repair a compromised blood brain barrier using the C5 or any of the ICES devices?

I think it can help, but I don’t think ICES PEMF would obliviate the need to remove internal infections such as mold, parasites, and others. In our family’s experience we had to remove the infections first. If brain inflammation is significant, a couple of many things come to mind including tightening the protein junctions of the gut and also pro resolving mediatators (like those from Thorne) can help lower inflammation. We saw less brain inflammation and reactivity once we removed the exogenous mycotoxin exposure and endogenous mold infection. Mold is so incredibly powerful at compromising the body and blood brain barrier, among others.


You are a wealth of information! I will definitely take your suggestions seriously. I so appreciate you replying with thoughtful answers. We just got home from church and I need to go make lunch and will reply more thoughtfully later.

Happy New Year!

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Question would be how one can detect hat BBB is compromised. Would not even know how to measure / detect that.
As @TajD wrote it is important to treat the underlying / causing issues.heavy metals, Inflammation, mold toxicity. Mold can, according to C. Shade (epi-genetically) block Nrf2 expression and this then has (negative) effects on the whole antioxidative and detox-system.
I think an approach had to be on many fronts based on the individual circumstance which we do not know.