Flux Health Forum


I just purchased the C5 with attachments. I would like to know if you have any experience as to where on the body may be an effective coil/pad placement to assist with fatigue and inflammation related to a positive ANA that occurred after acquiring the Shingles Vaccine. It elevated not only ANA levels but also Epstein Barr titers and threw my body into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lupus/Mixed connective tissue disease. I used the Pulse Centers PEMF for a length of time and it brought the ANA in half, yet it is still high positive. After researching which machine to utilize at home, I came across yours. I am also very familiar with TMS (as a family member had treatments many years ago and I was present for the many months of long treatments, )and I utilized the Pulse centers placement on the head to see if this too may boost energy also while using the full body chair and pillow. I was a critical care/ER nurse and also in the pharmaceutical industry so I am very research oriented, however, as yet have not found any related information. Any suggestions are welcomed. Thank you.

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For EBV, one in our family uses Researched Nutritionals Transfer Factor Plasmyc which has majorly helped keeping EBV at bay. They had CFS as well. Low Dose Naltrexone may also help. I am personally not seeing ICES PEMF lower ANA the two in our family that have elevated ANA levels. That being said, the M1 and C5 are my top health devices, so I encourage you to experiment and really hope you can further bring down the ANA levels. I am very curious to hear of your experiences with your C5.


@Rareglass, Bob does read a lot of the forum, but if you want to be sure he sees a post and to see it quickly, use his handle directly in your post (@Bob) and he will see it sooner. Good luck to you.


@Rareglass, I don’t have direct experience with that, nor any anecdotal reports specific to that (sorry), but let’s see if more people on the forum can chime in. This may be a case where we collect a few suggestions, then you experiment and let us know how it is going.

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Sorry to hear. Such things are associated with that kind of “medical” treatment, the effects of adjutants in combination with foreign cells and RNA/DNA that are often in such products besides other dangerous stuff.

So this seems to be an (acquired) autoimmune issue. I would look to reduce all potential cross triggers / TLR-triggers. Potential things are often gluten, WGA, wheat, soy, lots of nts, and all things made with or from milk - even ghee and slightest amounts.
Also consume no (highly) processed food and use ecological detergents and soaps if any at all. It could also be a TH1/2/17 imbalance and overreaction. But for that and how to proceed one has to go to the deeps.

Since this is a potential systemic, whole body issue I myself would try to aim ICES at organs that are heavily involved with the immune system as a try…


Thank you for your response. I am keeping a daily log so I may better monitor different protocols. I will let you know of any significant changes.

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I’m confused. Just when I’m ready to commit to getting the shingles vaccine, I hear of a potential side effect. I wish you a speedy recovery!

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What should such a thing do good? Shingles has a reason, a compromised immune system. So the system, explained in a picturesque way, can not cope with the load, because there are to much fires to extinguish.

So how in the world can a immune system irritant, including adjutants and lot of process “artifacts” like RNA and DNA fragments of “whatever” origin, help the immune system to work better hand have more resources available?

I mean a reduction in stress, more micro nutrients, a good lifestyle, less EMF, good water, good food, good sunlight - this is all helpful.

But how in the world shall this be done by a medical Intervention, that not even been undergone a randomized, placebo controlled and double blind control-study? How?


Thank you Hans. Intuitively, this has been my approach, keeping a strong immune system, however, dealing with aging issues puts things in a different perspective. Fear of the unknown, I. E. Auto immune disease. At some point the body starts feeling like a treacherous friend. When Dr. Gregor at NutritionFacts. Org shared he would get the vaccine, I started to reconsider without doing more research-bad idea!

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That’s irritates me.

I followed Gregor a long time and he does a good job. But unfortunately he also omits data, that does not match in his world-view, like that pescetarian Adventist are even healthier then the plant-based ones. Also, a full plant based diet is not for everyone - at least not without supplements. B12 and the must less reported Retinol (real Vitamin A) are issues. I east basically Gregor, McDougall, Esselstyn, Barnad-Style so I’m aware about the pitfalls.

Also: Not a single randomized, placebo controlled and double blind control-study does support any V… The data is a disaster. Gregor should know this, since he is the guy that presents studies for everything.

But I will not deepen this topic here - there are good books about it that dissect the topic from over 150 ago onwards.


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