Flux Health Forum

9v battery adapter to ubc for a9

Hi @Bob what do you think about using something like this from Amazon to connect my a9 to the plug? this was the first pick from a search jiulonerst 9V Battery Eliminator USB Cable 5V Boost to 9V Voltage Converter Step-up Volt Transformer DC Power Regulator Line for Multimeter Microphone T https://a.co/d/3lQugkz

i like my rechargeable 9v lithiums when I’m on the go, but I’m finding most of my use at night with the hat or 4 coil.

would this be a problem to use? i like the benefit of having continuous use without the battery dying some time in the night.

Hey @OptimalHealth, I think something like that USB step-up converter is a pretty good Idea. I had tried several similar converters a few years ago for various applications and they worked pretty well. The main down-side is that they are not very durable, so at $5, you might want to get a few spares.

The other thing to consider is that the A9 does not have the 9V battery terminal snaps because it uses springs to press against the battery terminals to hold the battery in place, and unfortunately, they come in a lot of different sizes; some will be tight, others loose, and so spring-loading is a good design option to hold them in place to prevent rattling.

This means you will need to make a block of something to press the 9V terminal snaps into place to hold this device you want to try. You might need to cut something out of a small block of wood. But that might be pretty easy if you are good with tools. Give it a try and let me know how it works!