I’ve always loved health and science and find the research that is being done here really cool. I ended up being my own science experiment though, as in 2011 I contracted viral meningoencephalitis while living in SE Asia (and I had a toddler and infant.) This caused a brain injury and nerve damage, and on the heels of that my body started attacking itself and I eventually got diagnosed with myasthenia gravis as well. I’ve done all the conventional therapy, as well as a lot of supportive therapy, and am always looking for research backed options for things that may continue to bring improvement. I have used the ICES from here for the last two years, with success. I’ve been doing vagus nerve stimulation, using the ices on my head, doing a fasting mimicking diet, and using low dose naltrexone, and I have gone from weekly IVIG infusions and frequent use of a wheelchair to doing physical therapy exercises a few times a week and leading an almost normal life (carefully). I enjoy and appreciate the community here, as I feel like it is great to have other curious minds who respect science and want to learn and grow together gathering to discuss what we are finding. Happily, I’ve recovered enough to start working a little bit from home- and I make handmade jewelry and put encouraging messages inside. I want to bring a little joy to others, and make some boxes geared toward difficult times… since I know those so well and want to bring a little light to them. (elliegracejewelry). I’m thankful my fine motor skills have come back!