Flux Health Forum

Sinus, colds and flu, allergies

I recently recovered from a nasty bout of bronchitis. I haven’t had a chest cold in many years. I did successfully use the m1 to treat my sinuses. Below is a copy of email I sent to Bob:

I have found that your M1 helps with sinus infections. Proof of concept, video of a woman with a different pemf system for sinus condition: Reference: https://youtu.be/cPUO_hlUFh4

My protocol, started on Saturday afternoon, 3/9/19 Omni8, coils taped together for max output. Coils placed directly on top of left or right sinus cavity. There was an immediate positive effect on clearing sinuses, thought it was placebo, but was repeatable. I would occasionally hear crackling on my sinus cavity during treatment as my nasal cavity opened up. This works, I’ll bet other people should experience the same.

Hopefully this info can help someone.

Addendum: I have suffered from allergies in the past, occasional flare ups, my ENT even recommended surgery to trim my sinuses several years ago, didn’t do that! I am experimenting with the m1 for ‘general maintainence’ sinus treatments.


After your email, my wife tried it on her sinuses, Same result! She was delighted. Tried it on mine, heard the pop/crackle you describe, I assume that is pressure relief as passages clear. Super cool. Thanks.


This is awesome, n=3, lets see this number go up!

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The more, the merrier. Caution on the head area, low intensity probably works as well or better than high…


Great post.

I have been using the M1 for sinus pain, in addition to blocked nose for many months with good results.

In addition when there is pollen in the air, I bring Along my M1 as well.

Other simultaneous strategies I combine with PEMF include:

  1. I also make sure that I am properly hydrated(consciously drank enough healthy water) as well.

  2. I use a dry sauna for atleast 15 minutes at or above 173 degrees F, for 4 or more times a week.


In the case of treating sinuses, how have people affixed the coils to the face? Using tape of some kind? I’m not sure I want to use a bandage all the way around my head.

with this new “attire/accesory” (face mask) thanks to the pandemic, we can now put the coils under the mask to hold in place to treat sinus or mouth. you don’t need to cover your mouth if you only want to hold in place on sinus… just fold bottom up. I’ve done for teeth that were sensitive (suspect slight infection starting on an old root canal) with good results.


that’s an excellent suggestion.

@SeniorBioHacker, would you be so kind as to share which PEMF you have used for your sinuses?
A link would be very helpful.
Thank you so much, and happy holidays!

He references using Omni 8 protocol which is on the A9, M1, and C5 devices. Go to the Shop menu item on this forum web page and select one of these devices.

I just experienced a cold / flu. My normal experience is 4-5 days of head based symptoms (runny nose, sneezing sinus congestion and pain), followed by a week or two of lung based symptoms which often require albuterol, steroids, even antibiotics to clear up, then I’m usually left with lingering sinusitis for months. This time it was very different, but I also treated myself differently. Tuesday afternoon (2 July 24) I noticed a burning sensation in the back of my nose / sinus near the eustachian tube on the right side. I had just gotten home from a 3 week work trip to Houston. Here we go I thought… I grabbed a zinc lozenge from the kitchen but it was the last one. I checked my bathroom and I had some Zicam rapidmelts & nasal swabs, so I setup to give them a try (never used them before). I also decided to use my new P9. Things progressed rapidly. By bedtime Tuesday night it was full blown. I took nyquil, put on a sleeping mask and tucked the coils under it to hold them on my cheeks (sinuses) while I slept. My wife had a day surgery scheduled Wednesday, so no rest for the weary, had to be at the surgery center by 7AM. Symptoms continued to build Wed on into Thursday at which point I thought wow this is going to be a rough one. I continued with the Zicam treatments as close as possible to the every 3 hours treatments, and moved the coils around between my temples, forehead, eyes and cheeks, depending on where the most discomfort was. Friday I started to worry about my lungs, as I woke up with some heaviness in my chest and a good bit of chest congestion. As my head symptoms began to abate I used the coils more on my lungs (chest & back). By Friday night it seemed the worst was over. The primary remaining symptom was a dry nonproductive cough, so I focused the coils on my bronchi and bronchioles which seemed to reduce the coughing. Saturday morning I knew it was over! Just the residual inflammation in the mucosa from the viral assault left, but no sneezing, runny nose, just some mild congestion and an occasional brief cough or two. I don’t know which contributed more but I am so very pleased with the results. Just thought I would share this experience.