Flux Health Forum

P9 field test update

Field test update of P9

  1. on convenience of have integrated coils: it is incredibly convenient to not have the wires for most applications. I have used it on my hip, on my ankle when sitting or at night, and in my pocket without using external coils. The flip side is the external pair of coils can be wrapped around a belt or an ace bandage reducing the probability of me dropping it (yes already did one hip drop - had sandwiched it between my belt and pants - of the p9 and fortunately Bob makes incredibly durable products so it still works fine).

  2. battery life with 9v lithium rechargeable batteries:
    I have really enjoyed how long the 9v lithium batteries power the P9 - seems like I can get about 24/7 usage with just two batteries with Alpha on power level 9.

  3. on batteries to use with P9: I learned to get rechargeable lithium 9v batteries without integrated charging (9vs with integrated charge controllers are the ones where you can plug micro-usb into the battery directly to charge it). The built in charger on this EBL USB rechargeable 9v lithium battery has issues and doesn’t allow the P9 to work with external coil plugged in. I recommend staying away from 9v lithium ion batteries that have built in charging (where, for example, you plug a micro-usb cable into them). I purchased and returned this: https://www.amazon.com/EBL-USB-Rechargeable-Lithium-Batteries/dp/B086GTFGPP/

In contrast, the EBL batteries without integrated charging work great with the P9 both with and without external coils plugged in. I purchased and am using these without issue:


Thanks - I also just purchased the EBL 4 terminal charger for my p9, which I also like due to being able to use without coils (though I still use coils most of the time) and the battery lasts about 8 hours or so — double than duracell/energizer regular throwaway batteries. I’m new to the P9 and the chargeable batteries, full disclosure.

This is really helpful and excellent information, thanks!

Is the information about the P9 online somewhere. No luck tracking it down at micro-pulse.com or fluxhealth.co.

Can someone please explain what “integrated coils” are? I can’t find an information about these beyond the comments above. Thanks.

the coils are built into the device

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the use is similar to the m1… if you read up on the m1, the main ways the p9 differs is that it has built in coils OR the option to use wired coils… also uses a 9volt battery.

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Just a quick update. The portability factor and ease of use without needing to use the exterior coils is fabulous. It’s the only way I can get my husband to use the device. :wink: I am very reactive and already feel like I am getting benefits just a few weeks in; my husband is less reactive but I can see some improvements after he has been using it for a little over a week. Mostly, we have been trying it for anxiety and depression, so I am wondering if I should post the info I have to share on those topics here or in the anxiety and/or depression thread? Any preference, Bob?

@Bob the P9 is listed as out of stock. I have folks who want to buy it. I think it’s the best device other than the C5, you’ve ever produced!

Can you tell us how you use it for anxiety and depression? Thank you

Thanks. I am working to make more as fast as I can, but right now the ingredient I am missing is Bob’s Time.

Thank you!! I hope that that ingredient somehow increases!

this is where the big pemf cos offer special “A-list” access for only 5,995 membership fee for early access to new tech, etc etc :hushed::thinking::upside_down_face:

man i wish i had funds at the time for the p9…

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I’ll definitely make more, it just takes time. But they improve as I get feedback, make adjustments, etc. so that is the up-side of the delay I guess.


Here is what I’ve done so far. Be aware that I am VERY reactive – a person who gets side effects from every medicine out there and gets buzzed off one glass of wine, so factor that in.

I tried the Schumann 4 (because, yes, Bob, I fell for the hype ;-)) first over my solar plexus because another poster had mentioned having success there. Bob had said start low and slow, so I experimented with 15 -30 minutes at 4 and 9 intensity. The first time I tried 9, I had instant nausea (very reactive), so I dropped to 4. I had slight nausea each time I used it after that, but at 4 it was minor, so I decided this meant my body was reacting, which I wanted. Each time I also got a head rush feeling. I have had this from really good acupressure and acupuncture sessions, where it feels as if energy is literally streaming through my body and out of my head. Most folks (including my husband), would probably feel nothing.

Each time, I had a lift of the anxiety about 4-10 minutes in, accompanied by a general sense of relaxation. The lift usually lasted a few hours, then the anxiety seemed to creep back in. A caveat is my husband had pneumonia and had just broken his leg, so that kept the external stress level high. Also, had this not been portable, I never would have been able to experiment while dealing with hubby. My last try was at 9 again for 25 minutes. At 24 minutes, the nausea kicked in pretty badly, so I stopped.

I decided to switch gears and try a different placement, figuring having it over my digestive area probably contributed to/caused the nausea issue. So, I moved it to my femoral triangle. I tried left and right, with similar issues (including slight nausea) and the addition of the need to urinate, lol. Again, very reactive! I did not get the same degree of anxiety lessening as with the solar plexus, so decided again to shift gears.

I have also been struggling with depression, so went to the 30 minute TMS protocol. I experimented a bit with finding the best placement. Actually, I had done my research and knew that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was a good target, but had trouble finding it until with additional time on research I finally discovered this chart:

So, I had moved the P9 around quite a bit on the left side of my head, and found that EVERY PLACEMENT WORKED, some more, some less. The very first time, when I think I had actually secured it over the inferior frontal gyrus (based on another posters notes for what worked), I had an incredibly elated mood that had me smiling for the first time in days for no apparent reason other than feeling better. This had also happened to me once after I was in a depression and had an amazing acupuncture session. The improved mood and lessening of anxiety lasted much longer with all placements of the TMS on the left frontal area of my head. I have been doing 30 minutes pretty much daily for a week and feel as if the depression is mostly gone. Another caveat is that I have been taking fish oil and probiotics while weaning off antidepressants because of the many side effects for about 2-3 weeks, so that may be kicking in as well. I am now sticking with the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex placement and continuing the 30 minute protocol. My anxiety is also much better, and when I start to feel it kick in, that’s the time for my daily session.

As for synergy, I also have a Bemer mat and a David Delight AVE device that I use most days. On the days when I have used those AFTER any session with the P9, it definitely feels like they are more impactful.

I have tried most of the same things with my husband, and found that he gets no immediate effects but I have definitely noticed an overall improvement of his mood with lessened depression after I started the TMS with various head positions. I had also started him on the right side by accident (hey, it was MY left :wink:) but have now switched to the left. Again, caveat, he has gotten over the pneumonia which obviously makes him feel better and had upped his mirtazapine a few weeks ago, so those may be a factors as well. I am going to try switching to the 60 minute protocol with him to see if he gets more from that.

Final note, I bought some inexpensive cloth headbands and am using them to more easily secure the device during the TMS protocols. Hope this helps! Bob, I’ll post more in a week or so if I have any new data to report.


Just a quick note. Lately I have found that when I need a “tune-up session” for the depression, it impacts me more the next day rather than immediately with the 30 minute TMS protocol, and I no longer get the immediate head rush I was getting. I’m not sure of why this is, but it’s interesting. I’m going to try a higher setting for a more immediate impact, thinking my body may have acclimated a bit.