Thank you for just answering plainly.
I have decided to do learning science as part of my brain plasticity. Though I still am at science music video and kid’s videos level.
I was listening to Dean and Ayesha Sherzia MD who did the brain studies with Loma Linda The Adventists and who also work with a clinic in a city outside of Loma Linda, so they see the best of the best and the worst of the worst patients daily.
They said that “choosing a complex career” is probably the most protective from Alzheimer’s and that people who have the genetic disposition and even not great lifestyle are often protected from developing symptoms of Alzheimer’s because of how complex their neuronal pathways are from their complicated careers.
I though of your recovery from your stroke and you went into science would be part of it. They were saying that as far as neuronal connections go, people can have a few connections or they can have 30,000 connections and obviously having more connections from using the brain more increases protection and plasticity.
When my step-mother had a stroke, I was looking at plasticity and didn’t see advice to engage the whole brain by having all of the senses used, maybe essential oils and temperature changes and visual stimulation and visualization and even something to taste - all to engage more pathways at the same time. I still haven’t read your book, but I did talk to my father and step-mother about it. I am still so engrossed in PEMF studies that it is taking up my time, but I will get there.
Anyway, science is going to be part of my brain plasticity, along with nutrition, which I have spent the past year meditating on.
You are such a good sport and I appreciate that you are being so nice to us.
Some of us who are baby level of science and who have brain problems and who already talked too much before the brain problems are soooo grateful that you have been such a nice person.