Flux Health Forum

Comparing Gauss between Sota and A9

I received a question about the Sota Magnetic Pulser about its strength/power output…

They are claiming that it puts out 7000 gauss - or .7 Tesla… This does not seem right, in any way…

While the A9 claims to put out 200 gauss.

Do you have any insight into this claim that seems so greatly inflated…?

Thank you!!!

Welcome to this community. Please read this thread.

Numbers out of context of an actual devices with specific coil characteristics and specifications are worthless.

Also: “7000 Gaus” means only something for a static magnet. But PEMF is not static. So you need to specify a time component and optimal also a field shape / coil component - and where and how you measure it in relation of the coil. At minimum!

The ICES devices produce up to to 180 T/s (Tesla/second) for a short time, according to @Bob. Thats 1.800.000 G/s. :astonished:

And now it may get complicated :sunglasses:

@acclime, @hcf is correct IMO.

This really is biophysics, and it really is not a simple number, certainly not Gauss.

If you really want to understand it, set aside an hour or two, get yourself some snacks, cozy up to the computer, and search the term “dB/dt” on this forum.

alternatively, if you just want “Gauss”, this is easy and inexpensive - as @hcf says, you could just get a solid magnet:

You can get 7000 Gauss for $1.28 at kjmagnetics.com:


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Thank you Bob- yes that makes sense :slight_smile: