Flux Health Forum

Coil glasses

Magnetic field intensity falls off very rapidly with distance, so try starting far away from her eyes (an inch or to maybe), then carefully move progressively closer if she tolerates it well.

@Bob Donā€™t know if I had related this before but a rep at the Pawluk site said that the A9 was ok but not ideal for use on the eyeā€¦they recommend their ā€œFlexPulseā€. This was their explanation:

You can use the ICES A9, but it wouldnā€™t be our first recommendation. The reason being is the unit only runs one program which oscillates between 10 Hz for a time period of about 10 minutes and then switches to 100 Hz for about 20 minutes before switching again and repeating this same pattern. The program never ends as there is no timer for the unit. So, it will follow this pattern for as long as you run the unit.

The 10 Hz frequency of the program is ideal and what we would recommend using, but the 100 Hz frequency is a bit higher of a frequency than we would recommend for treating the eyes. We would also not recommend using this unit to the face or head in the evening or bedtime hours as the higher 100 Hz frequency can be too stimulating to the brain waves and impede or affect sleep. Morning and Mid to late afternoon is ideal with this higher frequency. We would recommend treatment of 30-45 minutes daily. With the treatment coil rings placed directly over and resting on the eye socket.

Just a brief update regarding the diabetes statusā€¦ I am below 200# for the first time in ~30 years, and my A1C has dropped from 7.7 to 5.6. I have been so busy lately that I havenā€™t used the glasses much, But I have been continuing ICSE use on various pains & pancreas, liver, heart, plus occasionally on the head for sleeping(Delta) or waking up(Gamma).

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Wow. awesome. Did you go low carb too? Or is this without going low carb?

@TajD Honestly itā€™s just the Mounjaro. The combo of GIP and GLP-1 agonism is extremely potent. I simply am not interested in food. So while I do eat, my portion size is probably 1/4 of what it was, with no cravings or need to snack in-between meals. Iā€™m losing ~10-11 pounds per month. Below 200 was my personal goal, but my stretch goal is 173 pounds. That weight is a throw-back to a time when I was my fittest as a young soldier. Before injuries began to hamper me physically. I am also hopeful that the large improvement in my BMI will have an impact on insulin resistance.

As far as low carb, I was more or less already there, keeping an eye the carb/fat/protein ratio for everything I eat. I may have overdone, or overcompensated a bit there as my BUN number was marginally high last week, which is most likely due to excess protein intake.

well, thatā€™s not bad advice IMO, but opinions vary, individuals vary, injuries & conditions vary.

Information that is missing: the Micro-Pulse M1 does everything they claim or imply their product does, and much more, and at (as I understand it) about half the price.

I am not a clinician, so I can not give clinical advice. But I am also not a marketer.

Well, Iā€™ve got a bunch of A9s, so Iā€™ll have to use thatā€¦altho actually I also have a C5 which I havenā€™t used. Would that be better than an A9 for eye conditions?

Well, thatā€™s a good thought. I donā€™t know if I could say that a C5 would be better for use on the eyes than an A9, even though they told you their product would be better than an A9.

But I feel that I can say that if their product would be better, then a C5 would likely be even better than that.

So, maybe first you should get their advice on the exact pulse protocol they think is best using their product, then come back here and we can discuss how to do the same (or improve on it) using your C5.

And that would probably also be helpful for a lot of other people too.

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Thanks. Didnā€™t she recommend the 10hz as ā€œidealā€ and not the 100 ā€“ or is that not a pulse ā€œprotocolā€ youā€™re talking about?

You can use the ICES A9, but it wouldnā€™t be our first recommendation. The reason being is the unit only runs one program which oscillates between 10 Hz for a time period of about 10 minutes and then switches to 100 Hz for about 20 minutes before switching again and repeating this same pattern. The program never ends as there is no timer for the unit. So, it will follow this pattern for as long as you run the unit.

The 10 Hz frequency of the program is ideal and what we would recommend using, but the 100 Hz frequency is a bit higher of a frequency than we would recommend for treating the eyes. We would also not recommend using this unit to the face or head in the evening or bedtime hours as the higher 100 Hz frequency can be too stimulating to the brain waves and impede or affect sleep. Morning and Mid to late afternoon is ideal with this higher frequency. We would recommend treatment of 30-45 minutes daily. With the treatment coil rings placed directly over and resting on the eye socket.

well, not exactly, but sort of. I think they are suggesting 10 Hz is better than 100, but that does not mean necessarily that they think that 10 Hz is best. Maybe they have something they think works better.

If you really want to know exactly what they think is best, I suggest you ask them.

Thanks, I will and get back to youā€¦

I think currently that it is more about the mix of frequencies and the pulse shape than ā€œTHEā€ frequency.

Currently I research some (older) russian tech using MMW (EHF) in the Range of 35-70 GHz with ultra low power using special grown GaAs crystals and mostly energy/TCM/acupuncture points for applications. It seems that a lot of things work to various degree, providing either energy (like PEMF) or broad spectrum modulation based on interference pattern (-> information?) (like EHF MMW) are transferred.

Also, unfortunately we can not measure them, scalar / longitudinal field components (as far as they exist -> K. Meyl, N. Tesla)) also may play a very relevant role.


This is very interesting.

This precisely identifies a major feature of ICES-PEMF technology, incorporated explicitly by design. Many physiological functions and sensitivity levels depend upon the change in a signal, and generally do not respond as well to a pure monotonic signal **

This is the reason why (almost) all pulse protocols that I developed have changing pulse patterns. This is interpreted by your physiology as signals that are relevant and contain information. This maximizes the probability of a physiological/biophysical response, and minimizes habituation.

** if you happen to be a turbo jet engine or a toaster, then a fixed constant input signal is perfectly fine. But if you are a living organism, you need signals that change, or your physiology will progressively filter out these unchanging signals as zero-information content background offset (non-zero expected value) noise.

Ok so the rep at Pawluk.com gave this response:

Yes, 10 Hz is better and likely why it isnā€™t bothersome. This is why I stated that the Micro-Pulse A9 wouldnā€™t be my best recommendation for treating the eye for shingles. A 10 Hz only frequency is going to be best and what we recommend for any issues of the head, eyes included. That is why I mentioned the FlexPulse.

What you could do, but it will be inconvenient, is that the A9 program runs a 10Hz for about 10minutes and then oscillates to running 100 Hz for 20 minutes and repeats this pattern over and over till you shut off the unit. Many people can hear the change in the clicking/pulsing of the coil when the frequency switches, but if not, she could start a timer when beginning treatment for 10 minutes, at that end of the 10 minutes she can shut off the unit and then restart the unit and it will start again with 10 Hz. Like I said, this may not be the most desirable way to do it, but it is the most effective and not likely to cause an irritation to the nerve or increase in pain to the eye that the 100 Hz could be doing.

So could we do this or something even better with my C5? Thoughts? Thanks!

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sure, the C5 can do steady 10 Hz. But it would probably be even better to Use Schumann 3 or 4, or AlphaWave. Those stay in the lower frequencies and around 10 Hz, roughly. There is nothing magical about exactly 10 Hz.

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Thanks Bob! Iā€™ve hardly used my C5 ā€“ can I create a program that uses everything you just recommended? Or just do 1 at a time? Also, think thereā€™s any validity to their comment that 100Hz could be ā€œirritatingā€?

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Just use one at a time. You can switch between them occasionally.

Sometimes, for some people, under some circumstances such as use on the head, 100 Hz can be mildly irritating. If so, just use common sense:

Reduce the intensity

Reduce the duration of use

Change the pulse protocol (try something different)

ā€¦ things like that.

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This is nonsense. There is enough empirical evidence, that a constant pulse with same shape and frequency will result of habituation of the organism.

For me, this is a) self delusion or b) marketing hogwash.

Sorry to say it in this way, but I have no other words for this. Also the people from Swiss Bionics argue, that it is the complex pulse train, that is required to be effective and counteract habituation. Even if their implementation may not be as effective as ICES because of low magnetic flux per secon (T/s). Its also Bemerā€™s sales argument, but they use a variant sinus shape, from which we know, by studies of NASA, that this not the way to go.

So much B******t in the PEMF space.
