Flux Health Forum

Can Kidney Disease Be Reversed?

OK, that is very reasonable. My perspective on the issue of operator error:
-About 6% of people do, at least initially, use Micro-Pulse products incorrectly. We know this because we occasionally get calls complaining the product does not work. Almost always, we can trace this to incorrect use: for example, a few people do not realize that batteries need to be recharged, etc.
-Keep in mind, this compares to studies that show that the rate that people who use mainstream FDA-approved prescription medications or devices incorrectly usually floats around 30%.

But it is easy to stack the coils incorrectly. I have done it myself a few times. This is the design trade-off: the more flexible you make any system, the greater the chances that human error can occur.

If you stack the coils directly together, but do not stack them correctly, you will cancel out 90% or more of the magnetic pulse. So, it is important when stacking individual coils to stack them either bumpy-side-to-bumpy-side, or smooth-to-smooth side. For the 2x2 coil arrays, use the coil tester to verify that when stacked, you get a stronger pulse (green flash), not a weaker pulse. If it is weaker, then rotate one of the 2x2 arrays by 90 degrees, stack, and re-test for a stronger pulse.


Can Kidney Disease be Reversed? Part IV
On June 18 I posted further results from treating my kidney disease with PEMF. They showed a disturbing regression, with creatinine increasing from 1.39 to 1.47 and eGFR dropping from 47 to 43. Both parameters indicated a worsening condition. However, the regression coincided with stacking the coils smooth to bumpy side, thereby canceling the fields. I realized the mistake on June 10, and corrected the configuration, and also set the A9 units to the highest, X, setting. Essentially, I had gone for 3 ½ months with no benefit from PEMF.
The feline renal disease study published by Bob and his brother showed that when PEMF was withdrawn creatinine levels increased, only to be reduced again when PEMF was reapplied. Fortunately, that appears also to be the case for human subjects. After 6 weeks of proper application my creatinine dropped to 1.37 from 1.47, and eGFR increased from 43 to 48.
The full results are posted in the table below.
Range .76-1.27 8-27 >59 10-24

11/08/18 1.59 41
12/05/18 start PEMF
03/26/19 1.47 13 44 9
06/18/19 1.64 22 39 13
06/21/19 1.57 23 41 15
07/08/19 1.50 45
08/07/19 1.57 16 41 10
09/17/19 1.50 23 43 15
11/05/19 1.48 29 44 20
12/17/19 1.37 24 48 18
02/13/20 1.39 19 47 14
06/16/20 1.47 34 43 23
08/04/20 1.37 25 48 18
I expect the trend will continue to improve as I continue to use PEMF 24/7, and that if I stop PEMF I will quickly regress. Cats and humans seem to react the same.


@steverhodes1 That is wonderful, thank you for sharing. I wrote a similar post to @russf - have you considered additionally pulsing your water and drinking it? I began to watch many of the Dr. Gerald Pollack videos and read his Fourth Phase of Water book, and I recall him mentioning on a webinar an anecdote about someone with kidney issues drinking structured water and seeing positive results. Obviously, your mileage may vary. As I have noted in other posts, our family has experienced positive biological benefits from ICES PEMF structured water, particularly with gut health, clarity of thought, energy and mood.

This is excellent, thanks.

I have not tried pulsed water yet, but definitely will give it a try. Seems to be a lot of support for it here.

Another thing to keep in mind is that when the coils are stacked the wrong way, they tend to cancel each other, but imperfectly. You still get somewhat distorted fields, attenuated, near each coil. In some cases this still appears to be enough to get a positive effect, but it is less of an effect, and tends to be less reliable and consistent.

You may therefore have gotten some level of inconsistent benefit from the initial application of PEMF, but I would anticipate that with the coils stacked properly, the effect will tend to be somewhat greater and more consistently positive. So, the trend (I hope) will continue to be consistently better from this point forward.

How did you place the coils to affect your kidneys?

About 4 inches above the top of my pelvis and two inches in from edge of my back, or 5 inches from my spine. During the day I use two A9’s with stacked coils supported by a gun belt I bought on Amazon. At night I use four stacked coils driven by a B5, with the additional coils closer to the edge of my back, or further from the spine. The belt I use at night is no longer available, so you may have to cobble something together to use the four coils. The gun belt is OK during the day, but I think it would be a bit uncomfortable at night.
I hope this helps, and I am glad to see someone else try PEMF for kidney disease. Good Luck.

Have you ever tried the Kidney Stuff supplement from Golden Standards? I had some success improving my numbers by taking it (I don’t have exact details, I’m afraid).

Thank you for the tip. I will check it out.

I have used PEMF to combat kidney disease since early 2019. From July, 2019 to August, 2020 my creatinine level decreased from 1.57 to 1.37. However, since August, 2020 it has increased to 1.54 as of February.
I wear PEMF devices 24/7, using 2 A9’s during the day and a B5 at night. The A9s are used during the day with double coils placed over the kidneys using a gun belt, one set at maximum output and one at minimum output, randomly switched. The B5 is set at the Omni 1 protocol and a 9 power level. At night it drives 4 double coils, 2 each bracketing a kidney.
Bob, is there a strategy you can suggest that might get me back on track? Might I have developed a lack of response due to acclimation, so that a protocol change is needed? Might I be better served using 4 double stacked 4x4 coils at night to ensure better geographical coverage of the kidneys?
As an aside, my nephrologist isn’t worried unless the creatinine level gets to 2.0, but at the rate this is going I may get there soon. Any idea is appreciated!

OK, thanks for getting back with us on this. Here is what I would try:

Try stacked coils, not larger coil arrays. You do not need to cover the entire kidney, what you need is tissue penetration. Think of it as acupuncture, not a tanning bed.

Then I would definitely try different protocols:
Alpha wave
Schumann 4

That would be where I would start.

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Thanks Bob. Will set to Schuman

are there any supplements or change of diet help? how about adding blended beets smoothie daily to your diet for its benefits?

perhaps adding that daily would help?

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Thanks. I will look into beetroot.

Hi Bob, Wondering if you had any thoughts on the proposed design of this PEMF solution for Kidney Health / Issues… https://patents.google.com/patent/US10918880B2/en

Hi @jrb1743, welcome to the forum.
My first thought on this patent is: great! I hope they are successful in defeating kidney disease.

My next thought, reviewing the claims, is that the key elements of the PEMF they intend to use are not well defined, but this is not unusual for modern patents; they do not like to “teach” too much. They may know a lot more than they disclose. I hope they do. But they may not, and this may be one of those prophetic patents that claims a broad application area while not actually having developed a real invention or a practical solution (failure to “reduce to practice”).

I hope they are not doing this, but just so everyone on this forum is aware, patent trolls are a huge problem. They make broad claims but never actually invent anything. Then, when someone else comes along with a real invention that actually works, they sue them for infringement. It’s predatory, and several states have enacted legislation to ban this practice. It destroys innovation.

Patent trolling is very common: for example, I know the person who essentially killed progress on the use of adult stem cells in tissue engineering. He filed 295 prophetic patents on every possible general way to use adult stem cells, but had not actually tried or perfected any of them. Then, when someone would try to make progress in this area, he would write them a threatening letter (he was a lawyer) informing them that they had to pay up to continue working in this area. He told me all about this himself. He was a real gem of a person. He died in prison last year for murdering his wife decades ago.

Patent trolls suck… this is a complex topic, we’ll leave it at that.

But my hope is that the assignee of this patent (the company and its team) is not just patent trolling. However, I checked their website. I didn’t click any links, it looked suspicious to me. Have a look for yourself at these screen shots:

Note the menu bar above, doubled links (HOME HOME My Work My Work…)
It looks very hastily assembled.

Then scroll down. Read the text:

It’s just filler gibberish. Its called “Lorem Ipsum”. It usually means that a website is under construction. But that’s pretty fishy for the home page of a company that claims “542 Projects, 34 Employees, 100+ Contractors, 167+ Publications”

And here is their team of pioneers:

The patent was issued in February 2021, more than 2 years ago to this company. Looking at this website, the fact that they claim to have so many projects, publications, employees, contractors, and issued patents from several years ago makes this all seem pretty sketchy to me.

But maybe they are real. I don’t know so I will refrain from making a harsh judgement. So, @jrb1743, do you know about this company? Are you affiliated with them?

If they are real and actually doing something to benefit society, then I would be very happy to help them develop a PEMF system that actually works. If not, I guess we’ll see where it goes.

Hi Bob, Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I don’t know the company or have any affiliation. The patent page / link popped up in a general google search query.

OK, thanks. If anyone knows anything about this company or their technology, please feel free to chime in on this discussion.

@steverhodes1, any update on how you are doing / your kidney progression (good/bad)?